Facility type: FIXLAB
Access provider: Coastal & Marine Research, IACM, FORTH
Title: Advance Modelling and Spatial Analysis Lab
Includes all climatic and coastal hydrodynamics models used to determine long term environmental conditions. The numerical modeling applications are used to identify the impact of past events but also to forecast future climatic and hydrodynamic conditions. Spatial Analysis methods are used to estimate the environmental vulnerabilities and risks of cultural heritage site including socioeconomic aspects.
- Geoarchaeological Risk Assessment
- Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction
- Site-Specific Natural Hazards Impact Evaluation
Technical Info
- Forecasting & early warning wave/currents/coastal hydrodynamics models operating around Crete and transferable to other sites of interest at request
- GIS software and remote sensing software
Related Publications
- Alexandrakis, George, Sandro De Vita, and Mauro Di Vito. “Preliminary risk assessment ai Ustica based on indicators of natural and human processes.” Annals of Geophysics 62.1 (2019): 07.
- Alexandrakis, George, Constantine Manasakis, and Nikolaos A. Kampanis. “Economic and societal impacts on cultural heritage sites, resulting from natural effects and climate change.” Heritage 2.1 (2019): 279-305.
- Alexandrakis G, Kozyrakis G, Spanoudaki K, Kampanis N. Protection of coastal monuments against climatic change induced sea level rise and storm waves reckoning designing limitations. Geophysical Research Abstracts. 2019;21:1. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=asn&AN=140494750&site=ehost-live. Accessed March 6, 2020.
- Hellmund, Tobias, Philipp Hertweck, Désirée Hilbring, Jürgen Mossgraber, George Alexandrakis, Paraskevi Pouli, Amalia Siatou, and Giuseppina Padeletti. “Introducing the HERACLES Ontology—Semantics for Cultural Heritage Management.” Heritage 1, no. 2 (2018): 377-391.
- Alexandrakis, G., Kampanis, N., Pouli, P., Psaroudaki, A., (2018) Climate changes impact, risk management and mitigation of coastal Cultural Heritage sites. European Materials Research Society 2018 Spring meeting, Strasbourg.
- Branca, S., Alexandrakis, G., Di Vito, M.A., da Vita, S., (2017) and Privitera, F., (2018). Relationships between human settlements and volcanic landscapes at Etna and Lipari archaeological sites from the Neolithic to the Iron ages Vol. 1-1023, Cities on Volcanoes 10