The FIXed LABoratory provides access to leading infrastructures for sophisticated scientific investigations on samples or whole objects.

FIXLAB – 1, Laser Conservation
Provider: Photonics for Heritage Science (PhoHS), IESL, FORTH
Advanced instruments and methodologies customized for the laser-assisted removal of unwanted layers on CH objects and monuments.
Advanced instruments and methodologies customized for the laser-assisted removal of unwanted layers on CH objects and monuments.

FIXLAB – 2, Archaeogenomics – Paleogenomics
Provider: Laboratory of Ancient DNA (aDNA), IMBB, FORTH
Guidelines for ancient biological samples handling, ancient DNA analysis methods and services for the investigation of various questions of the archaeological and paleontological sciences.
Instructions to excavators for handling ancient biological findings and ancient DNA analysis services for the study of issues related to archaeological and paleontological sciences.
Guidelines for ancient biological samples handling, ancient DNA analysis methods and services for the investigation of various questions of the archaeological and paleontological sciences.
Instructions to excavators for handling ancient biological findings and ancient DNA analysis services for the study of issues related to archaeological and paleontological sciences.

FIXLAB – 3, Satellite / Aerial Remote Sensing
Provider: Laboratory of Geophysical Satellite Remote Sensing and Archaeoenviornment (GeoSat ReSeArch), IMS, FORTH
Integration of geoinformatics (GIS/satellite/aerial remote sensing) applications in cultural heritage (CH) and environmental sciences.
Integration of geoinformatics (GIS/satellite/aerial remote sensing) applications in cultural heritage (CH) and environmental sciences.

FIXLAB – 4, Advance Modelling and Spatial Analysis Lab
Provider: Coastal & Marine Research, IACM, FORTH
Contribute towards (a) upgrading the resilience of cultural heritage to climatic change; (b) including the socioeconomic impact of climate change effects on the natural and cultural heritage.
Contribute towards (a) upgrading the resilience of cultural heritage to climatic change; (b) including the socioeconomic impact of climate change effects on the natural and cultural heritage.

FIXLAB – 5, iTomography infrastructure
Provider: Ormylia Foundation
Infrastructure for non-destructive documentation of cultural heritage objects.
Infrastructure for non-destructive documentation of cultural heritage objects.