Facility type: DIGILAB
Access provider: Ormylia Foundation, Ormylia Art Diagnosis Centre
Title: ArtBase system
The ArtBase system has been developed to offer a new art documentation system. It is a tool that manages multidimensional information mainly from the diagnosis and documentation of artworks and material from different scientific areas. The information content of the system, concerns and is addressed to scientists from different scientific fields who are engaged in the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage such as physicochemical scientists and artworks conservators, art historians, and visitors to museums or online art museums.
Non-destructive methods of analysis of artworks such as:
- UV images of fluorescence and reflection, of the visible area and the infrared region of the spectrum, radiographic images
- Colorimetry such as color measurements in various color spaces (L*a*b, XYZ, xyY, etc.)
- UV/VIS/nIR spectroscopy
- In situ m-Raman spectroscopy
Micro-sampling analyses methods such as:
- MRaman spectroscopy
- μFTIR spectroscopy
- liquid and gas chromatography
Technical Info
- Database of text, images, and scientific measurements.
- Interface of data representation in a user-friendly environment.
Related Publications
- G. Karagiannis, S. Sotiropoulou, Sister Daniilia and D. Mamaginidis, Τhe art-e-fact project database system. A general conception for the documentation of artworks based on rich and multilevel technical investigation. Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, EVA 2005 Florence proceedings, Editors Vito Cappellini and James Hemsley, Pitagora Editrice Bologna, March 2005, p. 107-111, ISBN: 88-371-1546-6.
- G. Karagiannis, Scientific and Technical Head, Diagnosis Centre of the ORMYLIA Foundation, Innovative instruments and methods for integrated approaches to CH analysis and diagnostics), International Symposium on ‘Cultural Heritage and Data: Τhe Role of Research Infrastructures’, December, 5-6 2016, S. Dillon Ripley Center, Smithsonian Institution (1100 Jefferson Drive SW, Washington DC 20560).
- G. Karagiannis, Semantically Annotating and Querying Databases, 10th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Computational Techniques and Intelligent Systems (MAMECTIS ’08) 26-28 October 2008, Corfu, Greece.
- K. N. Vavliakis, A. L. Symeonidis, G Th. Karagiannis, P. A. Mitkas, “EIKONOMIA” – An integrated Semantically Aware Tool for Description and Retrieval of Byzantine Art Information, The 19th IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on TOOLS with ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (ICTAI-2007) October 29-31, 2007 Patras, Greece.
- G. Karagiannis, K. Vavliakis, S. Markantonatou, Sister Daniilia, S. Sotiropoulou, M. Alexopoulou, O. Yanoutsou, K. Dalianis, T. Kavalieros, Eikonognosia – An Integrated System for Advanced Retrieval of Scientific Data and Metadata of Byzantine Artworks Using Semantic Web Technologies, The annual conference of the International Documentation Committee of the International Council of Museums, Theme: “The Digital Curation of Cultural Heritage” CIDOC 2008, Athens, 15-18 September 2008.
- Vavliakis, K. N., Karagiannis, G. T., & Sotiropoulou, S., The AKMON Project: Semantic Web in Byzantine Iconography. Paper presented at the Paving the way to a semantic web for cultural heritage, Workshop held in conjunction with Vast 2008 Conference, Braga, Portugal.
- S. Reppou, E. Tsardoulias, A. Kintsakis, A. Symeonidis, P. Mitkas, F. Psomopoulos, G. Karagiannis, C. Zielinski, V. Merlet, M. Iturburu, A. Gkiokas, RAPP: A Robotic-Oriented Ecosystem for Delivering Smart User Empowering Applications for Older People, International Journal of Social Robotics • June 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s12369-016-0361-z.
- G. Karagiannis, K. Vavliakis, S. Sotiropoulou, Sister Daniilia, A. Damtsios, D. Alexiadis, C. Salpistis Towards «Cultural» Intelligence: Applying Signal Processing and Semantic Web Technologies in the analysis of Byzantine Iconography, IEEE Intelligent systems, May – June 2009.
- Vavliakis, K. N., Karagiannis, G. T., & Mitkas, P. A., Semantic Web in Cultural Heritage After 2020, “What will the Semantic Web look like 10 years from now?”, Workshop held in conjunction with the 11th International Semantic Web Conference 2012 (ISWC 2012), Boston, USA.
- G. Karagiannis, S. Sotiropoulou, Sister Daniilia and D. Mamaginidis, Τhe art-e-fact project database system. A general conception for the documentation of artworks based on rich and multilevel technical investigation. Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, EVA 2005 Florence proceedings, Editors Vito Cappellini and James Hemsley, Pitagora Editrice Bologna, March 2005, p. 107-111, ISBN: 88-371-1546-6.
- Sister Daniilia, Sophia Sotiropoulou and Georgios Karagiannis, Beneath the Icons’ Surface, Historical and Pictorial Data Disclosed through Diagnosis, Icon and Portrait International Conference ICOM-CC-WOOD, Furniture and Lacquer, Egypt, September 18-20, 2006. The conference is organised by the ICOM-CC-Wood committee.
- K. Vavliakis, A. Symeonidis, G. Karagiannis and P. Mitkas, An integrated framework for enhancing the Semantic Transformation, Editing and Querying of Relational Databases, Elsevier Expert Systems With Applications, vol 38, Pages 3844-3856, April 2011.
- Sister Daniilia, Sister Maximi, I. Papaggelos, A. Strati, D. Bikiaris, S. Sotiropoulou, G. Karagiannis, C. Salpistis and Y. Chryssoulakis, Our Lady of Mercy: The Adventrures of an Icon. ZKK, ZEITSCHRIFT FUR KUNSTTECHNOLOGIE UND KONSERVIERUNG 16, HEFT 2 JAHRGANG 2002.
- Sister Daniilia, Sophia Sotiropoulou, Dimitrios Bikiaris, Christos Salpistis, Georgios Karagiannis, Yannis Chryssoulakis, Beth. A. PRICE, Janice H. CARLSON , Panselinos’ byzantine wall-paintings of the Protato church, Mount Athos, Greece – Α technical examination, Journal of Cultural Heritage, ELSEVIER, Vol.1 – No.2 –April-June 2000.
Related info
http://www.ormyliafoundation.gr/en/ & http://www.artdiagnosis.gr/about-us/the-lab/